Jeb Rosen

Jeb Rosen

Software Engineer

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Code (2004-present)

Software has been my interest, hobby, and/or day job for going on two decades. These are some of the technologies I currently use, or would consider using again:

  • Web: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript
  • Frameworks/libraries: VanillaJS/DOM, d3, three.js
  • Databases: Postgres, MySQL, sqlite
  • Operating Systems: Arch Linux, OpenBSD
  • .NET: C#, WinForms, WPF
  • Other: OCaml, Doodad, Python, Rust, Java, C, C++, LaTeX
  • Tools: git, graphviz, syncthing, KDE Plasma
OneRail (2022-present)

I currently work at OneRail, which provides final-mile delivery solutions with an emphasis on automation, optimization, real-time visibility, and issue resolution.


ISB (2018-2022)

I previously worked in Arian Smit's group within the Hood-Price Lab at the Institute for Systems Biology. We researched methods of discovery and identification of both known and unknown repetitive features in genomic DNA, especially Transposable Elements (TEs), and published and maintained several specialized programs and databases for TE research including Dfam, RepeatMasker, and RepeatModeler.

UM (2016-2018)

At the University of Montana I was part of a research team dedicated to the visualization and analysis of mass spectrometry data:

  • Handy, K., Rosen, J., Gillan, A., Smith, R. (2017). “Fast, axis-agnostic, dynamically summarized storage and retrieval for mass spectrometry data.” PLoS ONE 12(11): e0188059.
  • Rosen, J., Handy, K., Gillan, A., et al. (2017). “JS-MS: a cross-platform, modular javascript viewer for mass spectrometry signals.” BMC Bioinformatics 18, 469.